Commercial | AV Script
GreekZ is a written advertisement for a newly invented product which was converted into a full production. This commercial was written, directed, and produced by Lavaughn T. Simmons. Music and Edits were all conducted by Anthony Simmons.
Duration: 0.35 Seconds
Bubble Gum King
Webisode | Film Script
Unlike a screenplay where a story has an end, a webisode consists of threads, which is a cliff hanger that could invoke a second episode. Wether linear or nonlinear, the webisode will not have a finite or a complete ending. The title of this series which was written, directed, & produced by Lavaughn, is called, "Posts From The Bubble Gum King." All edits were completed by Anthony Simmons.
Duration: 8:46 Minutes
Pedagogy | P.P. Presentation
The writing for this audio visual was a subject-focused project that utilizes a Microsoft platform in combination with narration to create a production. This presentation was written, arranged, and produced by Lavaughn. Edits and music was completed by Anthony Simmons.
Duration: 9:24 Minutes
Interactive Game |
Music, graphics, and of course a great story is the make-up of this immersive world of game play, where a viewer becomes a player. Game design and the the story was written by Lavaughn T. Simmons.
Duration: 5:13 Minutes
Lisa Rose
Product Manager
Write a bio for each team member. Make it short and informative to keep your visitors engaged.